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broken II: sharp mobiles - a solo electroacoustic improvisation

Another in the series of solo electroacoustic improvisations I did while on a fellowship to Kunst Universitat, Graz, working alongside Prof Deniz Peters as part of his "Emotional Improvisation" project back in Summer 2014. 

The piece consists of feedback drones and "DIY gamelan" sounds made from tapping the strings of tabletop violins with spoons and batteries, and preparing the strings by pushing nails between them. The piece is completely improvised, live, in one take, with a bit of post-production to cut out some bad accidents and to eq some of the sounds so they stand better in the mix. The photo in the link is by my oldest friend, Clive MacLachlan Powell, an artist and performer based in Edinburgh. This, and the photo for "broken I" were taken on a freezing day one November when we were experimenting with DIY aeolian harps in the woods near Morpeth, where I live.

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